
What happens when a child is weaned before its time and dies as a result?
In the Dalmatin region of Croatia the dead child becomes a a Kozlak.


The Kozlak raises from the dead and acts like a poltergeist breaking and throwing kitchen items, shape-shifting unto a bat or carrion animal. It will attack live stock and feed from it.

While in a solid but nondescript form it can be hypnotized by a branch of Hawthorn. While in a trance it can be stabbed in the heart with a branch of Hawthorn or a ritually blessed daggar. Its best if a Franciscian monk does the killing.


Owls seem to be another animal like bats or black cats that get a bad rep. Pretty much anywhere you go they’re considered bad omens or evil.

Supposedly, demons can shape-shift into owls to do evil errands for witches at night or to play with them.

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Ancient Egyptians associated owls with night, death, and the cold.

The Book of Leviticus in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible says they’re unclean.

Ancient Romans believed them to be bad omen, and death omens. Caesar’s death was announced by screeching owls. They also foretold illness, bad weather, and when the village girl would lose her virginity.

The Aztecs equated owls with evil spirits, including the Rational Owl, who is humanity’s worst enemy.

In Africa, owls were witches’ instruments and feared.

To North American Indians owl is an ill omen and bringer of death and a messenger of the dead.
The Chippewa medicine man stuffed owl skins with magical ingredients and commanded it to fly over a victim’s house bringing starvation.
The Sauk believe seeing an owl at night will cause facial paralysis.

Owls are respected in some cultures.
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In Peru, folk healers use owls to combat negative magic and the “Owl Woman” is associated with Shamanism and curing in their mythology.

The Greeks saw owls as sacred and a symbol of wisdom because Athena the Goddess of Wisdom was always with her owl companion.

In India eating owl eyeballs is believed to give the eater night vision. ~I don’t know if eating it is respecting it.
Kiowa North American Indians believe their medicine men could become owls after death.

Images : http://magicalowls.tumblr.com/


The Ruvaush is Romany term for wolf-man. Ruv equals wolf and manush equals man.

Romani lore tells of a werewolf creatures created by a vampire which who can suck the blood of men during the waxing moon. The man becomes a werewolf. Even when in human form he can only eat raw flesh and blood.
In the 19th-century Hungarian gypsy named Kropan lived with his wife in Torres. He suspected his wife of having an affair because she’d wait every night for him to fall asleep and leave. She also had choice cuts of meat even though his salary could not afford meet.

old wer

One night he decided to spy on her. She came back the following morning in wolf form and shape-shifted into human form. He was horrified but kept silent. Soon they had enough meat for him to travel to the next village and sell it.
He made enough money to open and inn, where he and his wife sold cheap plates of food.

The villagers became suspicious. They took him and his wife to the priest for next versus him when the wife was sprinkled with holy water she shrieked in pain and disappeared. The mob killed Kropan. The two responsible for the murder were convicted and sentenced by a six-year prison term. They were released in 1881.


Image from Pinterest

Wolf Belt

North European folklore tells one of the most common methods to transform into a werewolf is to put on a wolf’s belt. This is basically a strip of wolf hide with the fur still on it.

Some men put on this belt simply to become more wolf-like. They would wear it to gain courage, display savage prowess in battle of have more strength while preforming tasks of hard labor.

Wearing the wolf belt had an incantation placed on it by sorcerer it would allow the wearer to transform into a wolf. The shape-shifter could then become a wolf at night and kill its enemies or enemies’ livestock.


** This Month’s Full Moon is called Snow Moon. **


The ancient Aztec civilization of Mexico believe in vampire sorcerers called Nanahualtin (plural) or magicians.

The Naualii (New-wa-lee) was a human who could cause people to go insane and practiced vampire activities by smothering children then drinking their blood.


Nanahualtin could shape-shift into an array of animals, their favorites were Were-coyotes and Werewolves.

Embrace the Passion

Today I’d like to introduce you all to an amazing vampire author. Caris lives in Arizona, she knows a thing or two about heat. Her stories can prove it. She’s here to talk about “Embrace the Passion”. I could go on and on but my goblet has run dry, I’ll go get a refill while Caris takes over.
*Turning to Caris* Thank you so much for coming over tonight.

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Hi, Everyone! I’m so happy to be here today sharing with you about my beloved vampires. In the Blood Rose Series, I pose the question: what if only one woman could meet the blood-needs of a mastyr vampire? What would that look like and would the woman even want the job?!?

In EMBRACE THE PASSION, the fourth book in the Blood Rose Series, our beleaguered and very isolated mastyr vampire, Seth, meets his match in the form of a beautiful bodyguard assigned to him against his will. He doesn’t want a distraction in his life, especially not one as beautiful and as wild as the shifter, Lorelei….

Seth has lived a solitary life and needs no one…

Mastyr Vampire Seth craves Lorelei, his new bodyguard, but he has a hands-off policy with those under his command. However, the sexy glint in her eye, as well as her wolf-shifter ways, keeps him in a fevered state. He’s lived a life of enforced solitude as Mastyr of Walvashorr Realm, but when the enemy arrives, ready to invade his land, he must rely on his bodyguard more than he ever dreamed possible. So much proximity breaks through his resistance and he takes the woman, marking her in a shocking shifter way that overturns his careful, analytical world. But when her connection to the enemy puts his realm in danger, how can he embrace a serious relationship with her?

She’s loved him from the first moment she saw him…

Lorelei guards Seth night after night, her heart on fire. She’s loved him from the time she snuck into his workout room and watched him go through his rigid exercise routine. Now serving as his bodyguard, she wants to take her relationship with the Mastyr of Walvashorr to the next level, but Seth holds back. That he desires her comes through in his wicked mossy scent, which in turn ignites her inner wolf. When he finally gives in to his own cravings and makes his move, she shows him how hot shifter-love can be. But will she ever be more than just his bodyguard?
Blood Rose - Deepest Needs 1

Excerpt from Chapter One:

Chapter One

As the snowy December evening gave way to full-dark, Lorelei took up her bodyguard position outside Mastyr Seth’s backdoor. She was about as qualified to guard the mastyr of Walvashorr Realm as a rabbit taking on a hawk, but she was here by Queen Rosamunde’s orders, so here she’d stay.
Her real problem, however, went way beyond her lack of any real battle skills, since she’d done the unthinkable and actually fallen in love with the man. Seth had a long history of keeping his distance from anything that smacked of a relationship and he had absolutely no reason to be interested in a realm-person of questionable parentage.
Lorelei’s mother was the present scourge of the Nine Realms and the power behind the recent, deadly Invictus insurgence. No self-respecting mastyr could ever involve himself with the daughter of the ancient fae, Margetta, the one responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of realm-folk.
Yet hope, as always, refused to die.
She trembled now as she waited for him, standing in the snow, her heart thumping heavily in her chest. She savored this first moment of the night, anticipating the long hours ahead in Seth’s company, traversing the realm beside him, hunting the enemy of the Nine Realms, the dreaded Invictus wraith-pairs.
She heard him moving through the house, heading in her direction. He knew by now to expect her the moment the sun set fully in the west.
His wonderful mossy scent reached her first, an erotic musk that rippled along the air and teased her shifter vibration first, then her overworked fae mating vibration. From the first time she’d seen him at the queen’s castle two months ago, she’d had the worst crush on the vampire.
A moment later, he came into view through the glass door.
He arrived at the kitchen threshold and paused to buckle the belt that angled across his long leather Guardsman coat. Meeting her gaze though the glass door, he frowned, his expression, as usual, disapproving.
He lifted his chin. “You might as well come in. I have a call to make and you’re shivering.”
She couldn’t tell him the truth, that she wasn’t cold at all, that she shook because of him and not because of the below freezing mountain temps.

0 ETP - Embrace the Passion

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You can find
​ Caris Roane​ at:
Website: http://www.carisroane.com/
Blog: http://www.carisroane.com/journal/
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Author of:
Guardians of Ascension Series – Warriors of the Blood crave the breh-hedden
Dawn of Ascension Series – Militia Warriors battle to save Second Earth
Blood Rose Series – Only a ​B​lood ​R​ose can fulfill a ​M​astyr ​V​ampire’s deepest needs
Blood Rose Tales – Mastyr V​ampires who hunger to be satisfied
Men in Chains Series – Vampires struggling to get free of their chains and save the world

About the Author
Caris Roane is the New York Times Bestselling author of over 70 books. Currently she writes paranormal romance, both as a self-published author and for St. Martin’s Press. She began her career writing Regency romance for Kensington publishing and was awarded the prestigious Romantic Times Career Achievement Award in Regency Romance in 2005. Caris currently lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her two cats, Sebastien and Gizzy and she really doesn’t like
​​scorpions ​! ​​! For more information, visit Caris at http://www.carisroane.com
000 Caris Roane - Author Photo 2

Caris Roane
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author
Available Now…
EMBRACE THE PASSION, Blood Rose Series #4
DARK AND DEADLY: Eight Bad Boys of Paranormal Romances: Boxed Set $.99
And Available for Pre-Order…
SAVAGE CHAINS, Men in Chains Serial in Three Parts – May 27th!

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Wolf’s Bane

Wolf’s Bane is a poisonous part of the perennial herbs, it’s part of the buttercup family.

These are divided into 2 genera: Aconitum and Eranthis. Flowering Wolf’s Bane and Monkshood are part of the flowering Aconitum family and are deadly.

They discharge aconite a poisonous substances. The most poisonous variety grows in Nepal.

Warriors there used the flower to tip their arrows. They’d then shoot their enemies’ wells turning their water supplies unusable.

We can assume that the skilled witches of the middle ages (which were extremely proficient herbalists) could use Wolf’s Bane for both deadly and healing purposes. Proper dosages of Wolf’s Bane can be an effective pain-reliever and tonic.

It’s been told that witches used Wolf’s Bane to turn themselves or others into werewolves. Extreme care would be required to prevent death. Correct dosages may have caused hallucinations.

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Making the taker believe they’d shape-shifted into a wolf.

It’s also noted that Wolf’s Bane is used to keep one safe from Werewolf attacks.

*** I’m in no way reasonable if you are attacked by a werewolf while using Wolf’s Bane as an amulet. Or for any consumption of the herb. ***

**This month’s Full Moon is called Windy Moon.**