
In India, a vampire-witch exist called Asrapa.

She wanders naked through cemeteries where she feeds on the flesh of men, women, or children. She’s not fussy on whether the flesh is from the living or the dead.


Asrapa is a shape-shifter who can raise the dead by a gift given to her by the Goddess Kali.
She’s believed to be the daughter of the Sage Kasyape and his wife Muni the daughter of Daksha. Others believe Brahma was angry and thought of a monster creating the Asrapa meaning blood drinker from his excess energy.


Image from Google search

5 thoughts on “Asrapa

  1. Good one. I hope everything is getting back to normal at the Wells Mansion.

  2. Interesting! Is this an individual person/creature, or a kind of creature? In other words, could there be more than one?

  3. With a diet like that she must have killer breath!

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