The Nightmares Before Christmas Holiday Horror Stories! It Begins!

Note my name scheduled for December 7th.
Oh yeah! I’m one of the lucky to be included in the Nightmares Before Christmas Holiday Horror Stories!

Deadly Ever After

TODAY’S BREW: Dunkin’ Donuts intensely mediocre Mocha Mint.  Dual post by the Undead Duo

The time has come!  Lock up your daughters and hide the valuable gifts you bought.  And I know you did, not because we’re stalking you or anything.  Don’t ask.

Tomorrow begins the unveiling of The Nightmares Before Christmas Holiday Horror Story Collection.  Thank you so much to all of the talented rock star writers who took time out of their busy lives to make our blog more beautiful.  Again, I, Julie, have said a little too often just how impressed I am with the submissions we received, most making me feel like I should never have quit my day job.  This doesn’t mean you’ve missed your chance to keep our readers up at night.  We are accepting stories through December 10th, or if Julie has it her way, FOREVER.   Because submissions are still open, here…

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2 thoughts on “The Nightmares Before Christmas Holiday Horror Stories! It Begins!

  1. Brenda says:

    I want to read what the others write


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