
What happens when a child is weaned before its time and dies as a result?
In the Dalmatin region of Croatia the dead child becomes a a Kozlak.


The Kozlak raises from the dead and acts like a poltergeist breaking and throwing kitchen items, shape-shifting unto a bat or carrion animal. It will attack live stock and feed from it.

While in a solid but nondescript form it can be hypnotized by a branch of Hawthorn. While in a trance it can be stabbed in the heart with a branch of Hawthorn or a ritually blessed daggar. Its best if a Franciscian monk does the killing.


May 13 through June 9
Hawthorn people are not what they appear to be -what you see is what you get is it true with these, they have a certain persona on the outside but are very different on the inside, they seem average but with fiery passions they keep hidden, they’re also very creative, they can adapt to changes quickly -making them the comforters of others, naturally curious in a large range of topics, excellent listeners -people seek them out to release their problems, great sense of humor, and amazing insight.
Mates Ash and Rowan


Image from Pinterest

Black Magic, and Poppets. Oh My!

Black Magic harms.
Curses and hexes are black magic.

This type of magic calls on evil forces and destructive elements.

During the Middle Ages, the church, hoping to end the old religion portrayed witches as doers of evil workings with Satan. It was said that during that time all witches practiced Black Magic.


Poppets are also known as Voodoo dolls, or wax dolls. Pins are stuck in to them to cause death.

They are often thought of as used in Voodoo Rituals but aren’t.

Poppets are a form of imaginative magic. The doll is made to look like a person; it’s given that person’s name. Then the figure is abused -a pin maybe pushed into it or it’s slowly melted.

Bridget Bishop (Yes that’s the one, from the Salem Witch Trials) used these poppets. One wall of the house she formerly lived in hid several poppets.

They are usually made of rags and hog bristles they had pins in them.

The Poppets reputation is wrong though, they also used for healings. Healing poppets are filled with herbs and stones in this case.

In 1964, two poppets were found at a castle in Norfolk England. A clay figure of a woman with a Hawthorn pressed through it.

Thorns were commonly used in place of pins and needles, and sheep and cattle hearts were commonly used to make the actual doll.

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It’s time for Vampire Wednesday.

The ancients believed hawthorn offered protection from witchcraft, sorcery, vampires and other evils.
It was often placed in cradles – to protect the sleeping infant. (No wonder child death rates were so high! Nails, scissors and thorny bushes were all placed in children’s beds.)

Barriers of hawthorn were built around houses. The Greeks had pieces of it placed inside of walls of their houses.

Downy Hawthorn Tree photographed at The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, Illinois,

Downy Hawthorn – Crataegus mollis

It was believed that Jesus’ crown of thorns was made from hawthorn. (See how sharp it is! Poor sleeping children. )

Crown of thorns

It was put on top of coffins or even on the body before the coffin was closed.
Southern Slavs would also make their stakes from it.

Hawthorn can be found in Europe, Asia, and North America. Hawthorn berries can be eaten or boiled into drinks, be made into jams and jellies

The Chinese have used it for ages as a digestive aid. Recently it is being studied for use in health purposes and heart disease.







Photo Credits:

Hawthorn tree          http://www.cirrusimage.com/tree_downy_hawthorn.htm
Crown of throns      http://dailytimewithgod.com/?p=4418
Hawthorn berries      http://microburin.com/2012/06/30/roses-and-bubbly-white-gill-charcoal-results-just-in/